CardManager: Task and issue management with customizable Kanban cards


El módulo CardManager es una potente herramienta desarrollada para la solución BiDoc, permitiéndole gestionar las tareas o incidencias mediante tarjetas personalizables y totalmente adaptables a sus necesidades. Gracias a estas tarjetas, el cliente puede mantener la política de Mantenimiento Preventivo, agilizando la gestión de averías y evitar paradas de producción innecesarias.


CardManager is based on the Kanban card system, complementing BiDoc’s maintenance alerts. When a worker detects a fault, either during autonomous maintenance or during production, it can be reported through BiDoc’s Smart Lists. These reports will be entered into a Kanban card board where they are automatically sorted according to their nature and priority. In addition, the automatic creation of a card generates alerts that are received by the operators from anywhere in the factory.

The operators may enter comments regarding the problem and its repair to be considered solved. BiDoc also allows you to export reports to share them with other information systems.

From the zero point of implementation you can:

– Control in real time the status of each task.

– Monitor and obtain traceability of the states through which a card has passed.


– Reduction of response time and management costs.

– Real-time visibility and alerts.

– Analysis for short- and long-term decision making

– Easy management and configuration flexibility.

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